Five Tips for Home Office

Magdalena Vachova
January 3, 2025

Working from home is actually nice. Many things that you would normally have to do in your normal working day are simply no longer necessary. All that's left is you and your computer.

To ensure that this relationship remains stable and that you continue to enjoy working in the future, there are a few things you should keep in mind when working from home.

1. Set up a workspace

Home office is still "office" - and each of us has habits and preferences that increase our efficiency. Lying on the couch with a laptop on our stomach will not make anyone happy for long. Better: set up a proper workspace: a table, a comfortable chair, a good internet connection and everything else you need to work and create a good atmosphere. You can also temporarily convert the dining table into your desk - after all, everything can be set up and taken down quickly at home.

2. Be accessible and professional

Do work meetings now have to be held online? No problem. If you have an internet connection, you now have many options for staying in touch with your employer and colleagues. In addition to emails, the free programs Google Hangout (for video calls), Google Drive (for collaborative document editing) or Slack (like WhatsApp - but designed for professional work) can help. Very important: There needs to be clear rules regarding availability and collaboration.

3. Cook something

If you prepare your lunch in the evening, you can fully enjoy your lunch break the next day.

4. Create a daily structure

The most difficult thing about working from home is staying focused. There are many traps: doing the laundry, cooking, watching TV, getting lost on the internet. On the other hand, it tempts some people to do too much - after all, you want to show colleagues or superiors that you are actually working. And at the end of the day, you lose the distance and the boundary between work and private life. The easiest thing is to agree to be available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Whether this is actually kept is a matter of mutual trust.

5. Think of suitable tasks

Some are only temporarily working from home, while others always work as freelancers, self-employed or remotely on a project basis. And have already established the home office as their personal lifestyle. Of course, not all jobs are suitable for working from home - but many are. For example:

– Do accounting for a company

– Writing, translating, proofreading, editing for publishers or editorial offices

– Telephone service, customer service

– Ghostwriting

– Software development or programming, graphic design

– virtual teaching or tutoring

– Everything that has to do with social media

– Data processing

The networking platform LinkedIn offers free videos on the topic of home office. A particularly nice one is how to maintain a work-life balance.

Magdalena Vachova

Magdalena Vachova is a seasoned freelance communications consultant and marketing enthusiast who excels in creating clear, effective messages and understanding complex topics.

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